Solução de colágeno, 8 mg/mL, frasco 5 mL


Campo2: Descrição curta do produto

REF: E-003RT050M1-1 Categoria Tags: ,


The extracellular matrix (ECM) is found in all connective tissues, and consists largely of collagen fibres randomly orientated in a 3-D manner1. Cells are embedded in this 3-D matrix through adhesion processes termed cell anchorage through special cell integrin receptors, which recognise certain parts, or motifs, of the underlying amino acid sequences of the ECM proteins 2,3. The anchorage of cells provide support for cells to initiate migration by traction forces. In addition, cells are initiated to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis, when contact is lost with the ECM for extended periods of time 2, thus highlighting the importance of cell anchorage in the maintenance of a healthy tissue. Cells do not merely make use the ECM as a static supporting structure, instead, the matrix is continuously remodelled by cell secretion or degradation of matrix proteins. For example, additional collagen is synthesised in response to increased stress in the structure, whereas cell-induced ECM degradation aids cell migration 1,4. 1(Alberts et al., 2002) Alberts et al. (2002) Molecular biology of the cell, 4th ed. New York: Garland Science. 2Askari & Humphries (2005) Cell-Matrix Interactions. In Lennarz et al., Eds, Encyclopedia of biological chemistry. Elsevier ScienceDirect. 3Li et al. (2005) Biochemistry and biomechanics of cell motility. Ann Rev Biomed Eng, 7, pp. 105-150. 4Friedl & Bröcker (2000) The biology of cell locomotion within three-dimensional extracellular matrix. Cell Mol Life Sci, 57, pp. 41-64.

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